K2 / Proflex Riders Group
General => Tech Forum => Topic started by: Willie_B on December 13, 2013, 01:49:40 pm
If I had any talent that is.
Road Bike Party 2 - Martyn Ashton (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HhabgvIIXik#ws)
damned roadies anyway.... :o
Kind of makes you wonder why we bother with mountain bikes at all! Awesome. I need slimmer tyres......
Way back when my son and his friends were still riding BMX bikes, I took them on a tour of some local trails. My bike at the time was the Bianchi 748 Rekord I had converted to fixed gear. Not so good for the technical parts but never wasted a rim.
i cant comprehend this level of skill,i am slightly unco i guess, tho no more than most ,i can bunnyhop about 15 cm max.A light road bike is very responsive i dont think i have ever tried to really bunny hop mine,"unweighting" is routine.
I hopped my road bike up on to an 18" curb once. I had extra motivation since a city bus was intent on occupying the space I was in. That sob didn't leave any space once he moved over on me.
Here's the first one did off the Pinnarello Dogma
http://youtu.be/7ZmJtYaUTa0 (http://youtu.be/7ZmJtYaUTa0)