K2 / Proflex Riders Group

General => Tech Forum => Topic started by: mcharbs55 on August 27, 2018, 07:52:52 pm

Title: Noleen Shock Parts?
Post by: mcharbs55 on August 27, 2018, 07:52:52 pm

New to this Forum and am looking for some guidance! I was recently working on my ProFlex 856 bike and in the process, lost a part for the Noleen shocks. I misplaced the small spacer at the top of the shock (attached). Would anyone her know where I could purchase this part or perhaps a kit for this part? No luck on the Noleen site or ebay yet.

Thanks in advance! :)
Title: Re: Noleen Shock Parts?
Post by: serviceguy on August 28, 2018, 01:14:33 pm
One of these would probably do...

https://www.ebay.com/itm/K2-B-NOLEEN-EVO-LARGE-To-WAY-BIG-Shock-Spacer-Kit-NEW/331916271237?epid=1049019006&hash=item4d47c05e85:g:W3gAAOSwAfpatdW9 (https://www.ebay.com/itm/K2-B-NOLEEN-EVO-LARGE-To-WAY-BIG-Shock-Spacer-Kit-NEW/331916271237?epid=1049019006&hash=item4d47c05e85:g:W3gAAOSwAfpatdW9)

https://www.ebay.com/itm/K2-B-NOLEEN-EVO-Small-to-Medium-Shock-Spacer-Kit-NEW/311656958865?epid=1412308904&hash=item489033cb91:g:2lAAAOSwAwFatdRB (https://www.ebay.com/itm/K2-B-NOLEEN-EVO-Small-to-Medium-Shock-Spacer-Kit-NEW/311656958865?epid=1412308904&hash=item489033cb91:g:2lAAAOSwAwFatdRB)
Title: Re: Noleen Shock Parts?
Post by: kiwi on September 01, 2018, 03:48:41 am
hmmm tempted to pick up some stuff there!