So, you want to know how to use those cool little icons? That's an easy one! All you do is add the text associated with the icon, and the server here will automatically replace that text with the correct icon. All of the text 'tags' are just a colon followed by a single word description, with no spaces.
Example - I type in:
This is an example of a :smile in the middle of a sentence.
Result - the server interprets this like so:
This is an example of a in the middle of a sentence.
You see? Like I said, easy! Now you can try it yourself. A list of all the available icons follows... I may add more at a later date, but this will definately give you a wide range to choose from. Hopefully, you'll all enjoy this little feature as much as I enjoyed coding it.
P.S. There are other ways to activate most of the icons, for those of you that are computer oldtimers. The standard symbols :), 8), etc, will also function just as well.